Here's another re imagined ship from the series, as i am trying to do all the fighters from the remake.
Hosted on kerbalX here.
It's not particularly manouverable as expected, but boy can it shift.
Pull nose up on takeoff all the way down the runway as it will try to shimmy and crash.
Be aware if your're taking off from KSC and landing without reaching orbit you'll need to burn off sufficient fuel to land it safely. Fuel burns off from the front tanks first so you can get the nose up to land it.
Aim for 50% fuel or less and you'll be able to flare a landing nicely. Switching to closed cycle burns fuel off at a massive rate, so this will help.
It's just like the Blackbird in that it has 4 engines, and is stunningly fast in a straight line. Get your corner speed correct and you can sustain a Mach1 turn easy.
It's heavy at 50 tonnes, but 4 engines make up for it with plenty of push.
There are my usual refinements. Probe core for unmanned flight, Docking ports (1 standard, 1 small) and landing lights, as well as a crew ladder and an antenna.
Action groups.
1. Toggles Rapiers and intakes.