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  1. Some time ago I hauled a quite decent mining and refueling space station to Minmus orbit to foster my interplanetary ventures. To do this I built a tug vessel with a lot of dV mainly consisting of a large fuel tank, four Nerv rockets engines and an Advanced Grabbing Unit (instead of a docking port) for lugging stuff around. The decision to use the Advanced Grabbing Unit instead of a docking port was done because I planned the vessel to be reused as an asteroid pusher once the space station was finished. The station was split in two parts, hauled to Minmus and assembled there, using the vessel mentioned above. So "grabbing" and "releasing" worked fine at least once. After the station was completed, the tug vessel was left "docked" at the space station by grabbing a docking port. This worked fine. The problem is: I cannot release/undock the space station's docking port. Whenever I click on "Release" on the action menu of the AGU nothing happens, the claw remains attached. Immediately after clicking "Release" the button "Release" and "Free pivot" disappear. If I click "Disarm" the animation covers the AGU, a click on "Arm" reveals the closed claw again, and "Release" and "Free pivot" buttons reappear. Then again clicking either "Release" or "Free pivot" do not do anything (no free pivoting either). I tried this repeatedly, also tried restarting the game and reloading from a save, of course. Question: Is there any way to detach the claw and perform my asteroid mission? Or is my tug vessel doomed to stay clawed to the mining station forever? My last resort will probably be hacking the sfs file and selectively overheating the docking port part of the space station the claw is attached to. But I'd rather keep the docking port...
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