As we know, There's an option in Difficulty enabling Extra GroundStations. Letting us Depend on them for Signals on Kerbin, and Build Relay network for Poles and DeadZones.
Now, being inspired, and for fun, I Launched Selene-1 Relay GroundStation for Mün and as Mockup Test for Vidhyoot-II Launcher. The problems I faced is that any two groundStations (actually station and a Relay just 250KM far landed) Dont connect each other, and Depend on relays. My first ground station, have signals that passes through mün surface, that I supposed to Occlude, and is it Possible for a probe at north polar orbit to connect a series of ground station on mun and connet relays on kerbin on low orbit.
I had this Plans for my new Mun Base, Connection on Far Side, as Synchronized orbit are not possible.
I cant perfectly explain the problem and express my plans, Pics to be added soon.