I don't own one, especially when I'm broke. But I'd like to ask if anyone who does have it, experience any performance boost whilst playing KSP. Quite frankly, KSP is one of the most un-optimized games I've ever played, and for good reason. I can't blame squad on it, but it's certainly something that should not be dismissed. I'm not sure if KSP utilizes much of the gpu's power. I have 16Gb RAM just for KSP alone, joined with an i5 with a GTX-970. I was pretty disappointed when more RAM doesn't mean better framerate when it comes to heavy part counts and tons of mods. Though it certainly did make the editor smoother for me, it didn't make my framerate get any better in-flight.
So my questions is: does GPU memory and speed affect KSP's performance, and is the current KSP terrain system unoptimised.
What do you think is slowing down KSP? and what are your tips on running KSP butter smooth?