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  1. After picking up the game again after the latest update I started a new Exploration savegame and so far I have to say that I really like the concept! Flight HUD/GUI During my first hops and jaunts around Kerbin, however, I noticed some oddities regarding the flight HUD that may be placeholders or items in progress - nonetheless, to be safe I'll address them here: Yellow arc behind velocity display - it seems to be static, at this point, as opposed to the one behind the altitude display. What will it display? Velocity indicator - in all screenshots I took the decimal place always seems to display 0 - when not required, it could be not displayed for better clarity. I did not yet e.g. try docking, but I assume that when slowly closing to a target the decimal place will become functional? The vertical speed indicator in the top right of the artificial horizon cluster - what units does it use? it doesn't seem to be m/s like in the first game. For example in the following screenshot my vertical speed is around 290 m/s, but the vertical speed indicator seems to indicate +10, more or less. Science locations - orbit vs. space: On a suborbital flight I did some scientific observations and noticed that the ones performed outside of the atmosphere are listed as in "low orbit" as opposed to "in space", which would make more sense given that e.g. in this case I was clearly on a suborbital trajectory, as can be seen by the Perigee height: It would make more sense to use "in space" to refer to the location of an experiment being performed, if the intent is not to consider the type of trajectory.
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