in the following picture, NOTHING has been touched with tweak scale, as i do not even HAVE that particular mod. BUT, I was building/am building as i write this, a servicing mission to my cacteye hubble telescope. I noticed something a little...well...odd. Id say lazy, but, not sure whats going on here. As they say a picture is worth a THOUSAND words, so, in the picture below, take note, the small one? Delta Deluxe Winglet, the larger is the Heavy Control Winglet. Now, unless ive gone mad, these are 2 distinct parts, YET, if you look at the numbers, they BOTH say: 0483. Now, I do not know what to make of this, so, guys, gals and other assorted life forms, what do YOU think is going on here. Again, NO tweak scale, NO graphics alterations on my part. right side of the picture