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Found 6 results

  1. Welcome to my Podracer Page! After quite a long hiatus I’m pleased to bring you the ONLY legitimate and functional Podracers from a Galaxy Far Far Away complete with demonstration videos and some light commentary on certain aspects. First is the father of my podracer line: the aptly named MK I: Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/Star-Wars-Podracer-Mk-I The Mk I was a concept I had to make a podracer with loosely connected engines and a command pod that could move freely, it is the first successful combination of balancing drag, weight, thrust, and some mild control surfaces. It’s maneuverability is relatively limited, HOWEVER it is so far the fastest pod I’ve made topping out at 592mph!
  2. After my son watched Episode 1 and loved the Pod Race, I had to build one. It’s an anti-Grav craft, and features actual wobbly control tethers thanks to infernal Robotics. It also possesses lore accurate top speed of almost 600mph! The Mk I Podracer! Craft Link Below the Video. Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/Star-Wars-Podracer-Mk-I
  3. I think it would be cute to see a kerbal zipping around the ksc on a tiny ( or gigantic), hover board. Once you get your results, I would love to see them down below. Look forward to seeing that soon, and have fun. Requirements for Challenge Allowed: Mods, sas, kerbal has to be visible in command seat, must hover above ground, must have video or picture of kerbal on top of VAB with hoverboard, can use jet or lift surface spinner, and you must have fun doing it! Not Allowed cheats, wheels( this is supposed to hover), must be intact after course is finished. Mission Guidelines 1. Start on runway 2. Go through one of the R&D tunnels 3. Circle the mk1 memorial in the center 4. Go to the launching pad 5. Align on top of pad 6. Hover up into the air until over VAB 7. Land on VAB helipad 8. Plant flag 9. Land on edge of runway where you started. 10. Have fun!
  4. Hi all, Which mod is the best for controlling vtol craft? I've tried a number of them and I can't seem to figure out how to let a mod control the vertical to horizontal transition. Throttle controlled avionics gets installed and unistalled regullaly, as on paper is sounds great but can't figure out how to work it. Vertical Velocity Control seems good until it asked to remap all the keys to make it work. Any other ones that you would recomend? Thanks GE
  5. The Aerrier VTOL series brings you a (relatively) stable HoverJet training platform! A must-have for all aspiring lander pilots and powered-lift enthusiasts alike! Here you can fly the entire series, from the Vernier-controlled early models to the latest M4 gyro-stabilized designs! Once you get used to the deadly slow response unique handling characteristics of the turbine power controls, these vehicles become enjoyable death traps flying adventures that will hone your crew's VTOL skills to their sharpest at the comforts of your local space agency! Manufacturer warranty for over 40% engine reliability!! (non-applicable to M3 models and earlier) Get it here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1374365/Aerrier/Aerrier%20VectorJets.zip only uses stock parts!
  6. Second version of my VTOL. Bigger, 2 more engines and landing struts. http://www./?86vzvej8bk9q5t7
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