To honor those who have been killed for science and exploration. And a note to future Kerbonauts of what "not to do" in order to avoid the same faith as their fallen colleagues, so it may never happen again. Let this post help others in guiding them on their future builds and missions and avoid going *PUFF*.
Please Include: Kerbal's (or Kerbals') full name(s)
Date of incident: Aproximate, Month and year is enough, the more detailed the better.
Description of incident: Tell us what happened.
Anything else like images or videos is considered a plus but not mandatory. Just tell us what happened so other players take note of what "not to do" (or "must do" for you senseless monsters out there LoL!)
Ribvis Kerman - 14 April 2016 - Ran out of fuel during landing on Mun, crashed +300m/s on surface
Jeanette Kerman - 12 April 2016 - +1500m/s speed record @ altitude of 20 mts, aircraft incinerated.