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Found 2 results

  1. Alright, a small thread. ----------------------------------- Why aren't there any Joolian inner shepherd moons? Jupiters has a lot of them! Saturn has tons of them in the rings and nearby! But can we have one for the Jool? Can we have a small potato orbiting very close to the Jool? No? Alright. Because you see, every celestial object in KSP represent its own challenge! Moho is hot. Eve's atmospehere is thick. Eeloo is so far away it seems non-existencial. Jool is a gas giant with tons of moons. Etc. But there aren't any moons that are very close to its host, are there?
  2. Hello Guys, can someone help me to install via Teamviewer KSP German Patch. I am to stupid for it. Please help me. Best wishes Reggae Shark
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