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  1. BACKGROUND While going through light curves on Planet Hunters on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016, I found a set of data with something interesting. There was a dip in the light of this star (called KIC 7848638) that happened on a very regular basis and barely changed at all, even with the stellar noise in the data. The sheer precision of the dips made me believe this was an exoplanet. I was the first person on Planet Hunters to notice any kind of transit in this data set, especially since it was new - only arriving to the site a few months ago. This new planet candidate was given a nickname: Chantico, after the Aztec deity of volcanoes and fire. I named the star Koyash, which was a name I had reserved for a late K-type dwarf star (spectral type K4 to K0). The radius of Chantico was later calculated to be 0.895 Earth radii with an error of 0.09 Earth radii. On Saturday, August 6th, I decided to go look through every single light curve of Koyash to see if I could spot the transits of Chantico in other sets of data. Turns out, I did! I also managed to pick out FOUR MORE CANDIDATES in the process. I was also able to, using serious math, prove the likelihood of the outermost planet having a moon. For months I had these candidates - named Chantico, Montu, Sethlans, Kupole, Apeliotes, and the moon Vajra - and many more which were being found. By the end of 2016, I had been searching more and more for candidates and improved my planet-finding skills. However, I now had 34 candidates under my belt (many that I didn't reveal to the forums) and no professional scientist knew about them. So I finally sent an E-Mail to Debra Fisher, the exoplanet scientist at Yale University who founded Planet Hunters and was one of the many discoverers of HD 209458 b, also known as Osiris. I provided her with a large sheet of data regarding each system, planet, and star. About a week later she responded, finding my results very promising and forwarded the data over to graduate student Joseph Schmitt. Starting in the first few days of January 2017, Joseph began to analyze the data. I had to provide him with the specific dates of the planet transits for him to be able to see whether anything was there or not. On January 9th, 2017, the results came in. It was both disappointing yet interesting, as many of the 31 planets I reported were actually false positives. That included the potentially habitable worlds of Kupole, Feronia, Zemyna, and Kharybdis, along with the possible moons Vajra and Goliath-B. But the interesting part was that the fourth planet of the third system, KIC 7105665.04, seemed promising and could be a legitimate candidate. I then had to find the five MOST PROMISING planet possibilities to report to Joseph for further analysis. So I went on the search! Using some new transit identifying methods and the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) to double-check my results, I went through a few of my systems to try and find anything else of interest. At the same time I went back to Planet Hunters to find the most promising transit events I could stumble across. Over 4 days I accumulated at least 40 transit possibilities for double-checking with MAST, and weeded out a few dozen false positives. What were left were 5 very promising candidates. However, later analysis only left one candidate left, the still-ambiguous KIC 8363450.01. Planet candidate KIC 7105665.04 (Septentrio) was left as well. I sent the new data over to Joseph. It was analyzed around February 2nd, 2017, and was sent over to Daryll LaCourse. It left KIC 7105665.04 in its dubious position, debunked KIC 6446029.01 and KIC 6312596.01, and kept KIC 8363450.01 undetermined. Daryll has suggested I inquire the developed of IcTools, a Kepler data analysis program, for use of the program for my studies. I did, and got the program. For the last month I've been going through data of KIC and EPIC stars, looking for possible planets. In mid February, I found what I thought were two sub-Neptune sized planets orbiting the red dwarf EPIC 201377614. More analysis turned up a few more possible planets - even what might be a world orbiting an ultracool dwarf star. But when I went back to analyze them on March 13th, 2017, it looked like they were false positives. I had neglected the transit duration time, and it turns out that it was TOO LONG or too short for the candidates I thought I found. But that didn't stop me. I went deep into K2 Campaign 0 data and found more interesting signals. The more I looked, the more promising candidate transits I found. I even looked in Campaign 9 and found some more. Overall, I've recorded around a dozen stars in both campaigns with possible transits, and they've all been reported on the Planet Hunters chat page. After a while I turned to looking for transit variations of long-period exoplanets in the search for companion planets or even exomoons. I investigated Kepler-452b, 62e, 62f, 90h, and 409b, with the final two having incredibly interesting TTVs and TDVs. I found Kepler-409b to warrant more investigation, and recently I sent Kepler scientist David Kipping an E-Mail and set of data describing what I have found. Who knows what the data may reveal... I continued with K2 data analysis before finding something interesting: The site known as Exoplanet Explorers. It's like the successor to Planet Hunters, chock full of K2 data in a much better format than on PH. All stellar data has gone through some processing to point out the likeliest transit events per set of data. While quite a lot of these are not transits, it's easier to analyze than Planet Hunters data. The site, while recent, has been seeing an explosion of activity. In just 2 days a four-planet system known as EE-1 was found. Things were slow at first, but in April 2017, me and the EE user Emberfire found what appeared to be a potentially habitable planet around the red dwarf EPIC 212525618. The planet candidate was nicknamed Iona, and the discovery led to me starting up the Red Dwarf Candidate Search. For months, me and several other citizen scientists - Vidar87, shutcheon, @Cabbink, Libmar96, and more - scoured the provided data on EE to find dozens of possible candidates, with a good amount of much more likely candidate worlds. By summer of 2017, Exoplanet Explorers began to suffer an error where there were too many simulated transits and made it impossible to find any real planets on the site. This led me, Vidar, and shutcheon to do our searches entirely with LcViewer, while Libmar96 uses his own telescope to detect transits of candidate worlds already found by our group. Since April and May, we have found dozens of planets that are incredibly likely to be real, some potentially life supporting. Since December 2017, I've been doing my own analyses of K2 Campaigns 14, 15, and (currently) 16. In total, I've found a total of over 350 planet candidates, with over a dozen having been independently confirmed by other teams of scientists. MY PLANET CANDIDATES EPIC 220221272 System K2-187 System K2-149 System K2-266 System K2-158 System K2-183 System K2-155 System K2-229 System SECTION IS A WORK-IN-PROGRESS, MORE SYSTEMS WILL BE ADDED LATER Now, it's time for some shout-outs to those who have supported and/or helped me with these candidates since KIC 7848638: @Spaceception @kunok @_Augustus_ @LetsGoToMars! @Scotius @Aethon @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures @The Raging Sandwich Debra Fisher Joseph Schmitt Al Schmitt Daryll LaCourse David Kipping Jessie Christiansen Vidar87 shutcheon Libmar96 @Cabbink And SO many more!
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