1) Making the kerbals and parts interact with the ground - Like we saw in the KSP2 trailer when the rocket landed on the Mun, I would love to see landing legs, wheels, kerbals and all other parts leave marks and footprints in the ground, the ground not being completely static will bring a higher level of immersion for the player.
2) When kerbals take off their helmet in a cold place in an atmosphere you can see their breath.
3) An engine that is hot from running will produce vapor in cold parts of the atmosphere because of temperature differences (on the poles for example).
4) Kerbals being able to make snowballs and snow angels in the snow.
5) Engine plume and smoke interacting with the ground - In KSP1 the smoke and plume would mostly just clip through the ground, I would like to see smoke and engine plume reacting with the ground in KSP2.
What other little details would you like to see in the game?