I've become a pro at orbits, getting to the Mun, getting to Minmus, manned and unmanned. This is not bragging, because I've only become so darn good at it because it's ALL I CAN DO
For the life of me, I can't get a small little probe anywhere else. Forget a manned mission. I either A. just can't get a transfer or B. I can get a transfer but I run out of fuel.
I just want to get a stupid probe to orbit Duna once and fling it back to Kerbin with enough fuel left to get it to start hitting atmosphere so I can recover it. I want it to carry 2 each of goo, barometers and thermometers (for "high above" and "near") and a Science Jr. I could transmit for the science, but I'd prefer the 100% science of a recovery. I'm willing to forego the Science Jr.
I'm starting to lose interest. The Kerbin system is becoming very boring. At this rate I'll never be able to get a manned mission anywhere else and it's driving me nuts.
I wish I could be more specific but quite honestly I suck SO BAD at this that I'm having a problem with basically everything, lol.