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  1. Kode: The IDE for kOS Current version: 0.4.0 I have made a simple IDE for use with the kOS autopilot. At the moment it is not much more than a notepad clone with syntax highlighting, but everything has to start somewhere right? One neat feature it currently has is the ability to export your script straight into your kOS scripts folder(Once you visit "Settings" and tell it where KSP is installed). It also has some basic code completion. Eventually I plan to add quite a few useful features such as intellisense, Error detection(Such as forgetting your '.' end of line), Compiling and debugging, Tabs and a tree file viewer(Such as in Visual Studio) to allow for easier development of multi file programs. I will also be adding the ability to import your libraries with one click, Telnet control(For multi monitor users, Have Kode open in one screen and KSP in another. Code and run at the same time!) and the ability to create a script by clicking and dragging blocks together(Think Lego Mindstorms) which would be useful for a user who wants to use kOS but doesn't want to learn how to code it for whatever reason, This won't happen for a while though. I am planning for a Linux and Mac build in the very near future. Why Kode? It's a portmanteau of kOS and IDE, But it is also Code with the compulsory Kerbal 'K'. I thought it was pretty nifty. Kode is released under the GPL v3 licence. Note about the Linux version: Due to complications porting a dependency over to Mono Kode depends on Wine and this should be installed before Kode. With version 0.4 Kode has the features to hopefully rival whatever program you currently use and as such I am changing focus from smaller updates more often to bigger updates less often with a focus on stability. Download You can download Kode here: https://github.com/TN-1/Kode/releases Extract the zip making sure all files are in the same folder and double click to run. You can view the source over at Github: https://github.com/TN-1/Kode Changelog 18/1/2016: 0.1.0 - Initial release 24/1/2016: 0.2.0 Steam install auto-detection Open and Save As dialogs default to KSP/Ships/Scripts(Per the steam install detection) Dark mode Upgrade detection(Tools>Upgrade) 10/2/2016: 0.3.0 Tabs! Linux version! Fixed issue #1 through use of try-catch. Changed undo/redo behaviour: Buffer now 10char long with (hopefully) unlimited actions Added report bug and kOS docu to help menu Added graphical toolbar Export code in markup General code cleanup 20/02/2016: 0.4.0 Reworked steam install detection Reworked session restore when settings changed(Issue #4) Redesigned the settings menu(It finally looks good!) Added support for multiple installs(Steam or not)(When you add the install, Make sure it is too your root KSP directory) Added support for lowercase syntax highlighting(Issue #5) Added the code minimiser at long last, It will strip comments, empty lines and double spaces. Tweaked save all and save as behaviour. 08/04/2016: 0.5.0 Project mode added Support for libraries Upgraded Linux Installer Windows Installer Add support for opening files via explorer Added auto indenting Added tab space setting for auto indenting Added keyboard shortcuts Added a code minimiser Added column count Removed now defunct "Export to KSP" button Kode now checks for unsaved changes on exit Kode now supports launching by double clicking files in explorer(See known issues below) Fixes bug where Kode crashes when you open with no tabs Fixes bug where Kode crashes if you don't select a folder on first start Fixes bug where Kode will treat recovered tabs as new ones on setting change restart Fixes beta bug where Export to KSP crashes when not in project mode Worked around a bug where Kode auto restart doesn't change UI correctly. Manual restart is required after changing editor/project modes. All changes to file will now trigger an *, not just additions Tab close X behaviour tweaked Syntax highlighting and autocomplete now support UPPER, lower and Mixed Case without changing settings Update auto-detect(Added in 0.4 but this is the first release to use it) Current known issues File associations as set by the installer doesn't work correctly. You need to manually set Kode as the program to open .ks and .ksproj through the Right Click>Open with menu, Select Kode and Always Open with. Autocomplete for mixed case is bugged, after typing an uppercase first letter and then a lower case second letter the A/C box disappears. Syntax highlighting is unaffected.
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