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  1. K.S.S Kerbinprise CV-6. At 254m in lenght, 43.7m in width and 35.2m tall, this is now officially my biggest creation so far, and will propably stay as my biggest for quite a long time. It also has 1637 parts and weighs in at about 6,500 tons. Mods used: Infernal Robotics, BD-armory and KAX. I'm not putting this up for download since i don't think that anybody in their right minds would use/need something of this size. And that's why it wont have the usual Specks and Picks section. But anyway, as the title says, i made a 1:1 replica of the U.S.S Enterprise CV-6. I did this project mainly because, i felt like doing something for the KSP history books, and well...I know i can do it, so why not just do it. Info about the craft and the build: Let's start off by saying, that as awesome as it may look and sound, it's mostly useless, mainly for two reasons: 1. It has a ludicrous part count of over 1600 parts and is way oversized for my current carrier planes (they have a breaking distance of about a 100m or so, same goes for takeoff distance). 2. The elevator doesn't go down low enough for it to work, so the hangar is useless. I only noticed this during my flight tests, whoops . Well, no matter , this was more of an experiment to see that what is the ideal size for a KSP carrier with a hangar deck and an elevator. As a conclusion, i think that the ideal carrier to replicate, would be the Bogue class carrier. Not only because it's kinda the ideal size, it's also my current USN carrier in WoWs, so there should be no shortage of reference material. NOTE: As you can see on the picks, its not super accurate, and that's because i didn't intend it to be super accurate cause i wanted to make it more functional. And i wanted to shave off as many parts as possible. So that's why it has shoddy lighting, no lifeboats and no big number six's on the flight deck. I would have really wanted to do these details tough. To give you an idea of what the inside of the ship looks like, i took some picks of the hull mid build. The hangar in the middle is just a load of empty space, minus all the struts running mid-ship to prevent the flight deck from collapsing. I was able to shave off a few parts by removing the hangar deck from the inclosed areas. This also gave me the perfect place for hiding the main engines, batteries, and the main radar (in the bow section). (the pick was taken during my midnight light's test). Even tough it has all those engines at the back, the top speed is only about 25 m/s max. But that might also be because of the fact that the ship weighs in at over 6,500 tons. Here a pick of the bridge as well (actually known as the island). The design of the carrier is a bit of a mix of all the different version of the Enterprise (it was refitted twice during the war, so there where 3 versions in total). As i mentioned earlier, i made quite a huge mistake during this build, and that is that i didn't check the full range of the elevator until the flight tests (last phase of testing). Yeah, that was quite the mistake. But at least i know that just how big the elevator will need to be in order to support aircrafts like the Wildcat. And that what the maximum height for the hangar deck can be. Currently the hangar is 3 MK-3 tanks tall (flat side). So 2,5 tanks tall should be enough to allow small fighter to fit while still allowing the elevator to work. I also checked that the narrow part of the hangar is wide enough to support the Wildcat. Operating and launching the carrier: The biggest challenge in a build like this, is trying to get carrier to water. The veering of the runway trick was a NO GO, it was just impossible to launch it that way. So, to support big ships like this, i actually made my own naval base. Yes you heard me right, an actual naval base, complete with an airbase for the Fleet Air Arm. Using the magic known as Kerbal Konstruct, converted a huge runway into a ship ramp. There is some really, REALLY important stuff to remember if you are going to make your own ship ramp. 1. Always remember to keep the angle of the ramp as minimal as possible, or otherwise your nose will have quite a drop and slam. 2. There is quite an important "hidden" feature in KSP witch is essential to a safe launch. If your rear goes beyond the rear wall of the hangar, it will also go beyond the rear of the runway. So be mindful about where you position your ship in the hangar. You don't want your rear end dangling in mid air, nor do you want it to get possibly clipped inside the terrain or some building right behind the runway. So using hangar extender is quite a good idea at this point, as if it weren't already essential for building these in the first place. Air power of the Kerbinprise. Every carrier needs some aircraft in it. So, since this is a replica project, i made aircraft replicas to go with it. They should be period correct. There isn't really anything to say about them, other than the usual: has amazing STOL capabilities, amazing manouverability, but a bit slow tough, witch means that stalling is a thing, so don't pull up too hard during takeoff or you know, weee...crash. They should all be easy to fly and land, even on small carriers. And here is a download link for all of them: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kth1q83eh4cbls4/Kerbinprise aircrafts..zip?dl=0 Krumman F4F Wildcat: Fouglas SBD-Dauntless: Fouglas TBD-Devastator: That's about it for this project, as useless and laggy as it is, i got very useful information out of that project, that will then help me build the ideal aircraft carrier. So i hope you enjoy it for what it is . PS. i will be making a separate post of the KNS shipyard naval base soon. Here is a link to the main project:
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