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  1. Update: I got it working, had to create an empty game object in unity and set it as the dockingnode in the config file. Never would have figured that out on my own... So I made a docking port, and everything single thing works except the docking functionality. While it has the options to decouple and undock in the action group menu, they do not function, and they do not show up in the right click menu, also if you do try to dock there is no magnetism and they never lock. Do I need to write a plug-in for it or something? I literally copied the code from the Sr Docking Port, thinking that would work like it usually does. I'll post the code and any other files as requested. Any help is greatly appreciated. More info on this docking port: this is for my mod, "KerbalTubes". It is a mk.II size docking port with a central iris style door for kerbals to pass through. It was a lot of work to get this far[literally all I did today] and I would like to complete this one last small, but yet extremely important step. Thanks in advance. Download link of current build for debugging Download link for current build plus lots of extra debugging info and development files Screenshots Screenshots
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