Meme Uber-Thread 1
Oh! Hello! Looks like you clicked onto this thread! (Hopefully not by accident. Still, you would of left by now if you clicked on here by accident!) Anyways, you do know memes on the internet. Those ideas that spread like wildfire because their unique and original, till their so bland and boring that they have had all their uniqueness and originality sucked out of them, like a spider on a web feeding on a massive juicy fly, sometimes usually the fly could go on for years without running dry. Anyways, im rambling on like a verbose meme (one underneath if you do not know what that is.) And thus lets get this Uber-thread started!
Oh wait, forgot to include some memes, give me a sec!
Increasingly Verbose of the word `Kerbal`
"I identify as an attack helicopter" but Unnecessarily Verbose
Lego Meme
Something closer to our comfort zones...