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Found 3 results

  1. Just why? (ps: this rocket is COMPLETELY overheated.)
  2. What does the kraken do to small and large ships?
  3. I am not even sure what this is. I am building a base on the mun, and ya its had its issues, like one where I just launched a supply vehicle back off the mun after it brought some parts that made a flag launch into space. I hit quick load because a flying flag is fine if its rooted, but, it killed bill in the process. I check my tracking station to make sure that flag is back where it belongs after the quick save, and notice something. One of my ships that I had parked in LKO is gone. just flat out GONE. I did not deorbit and recover the crew, I did not recover the crew via ANY MEANS. I check the astronaut complex and the ONLY missing kerbal is Bill. That ship that vanished had 4-7 crew on it, and they are not listed as assigned or missing. I cannot remember their names, because I launched that ship in year 9-10 and its now year 14 day 108. Anyone ever see something like this?
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