I'd like to announce a project I've been working on for some time to implement a simplified version of the G-FOLD automated soft-landing algorithm using the KRPC plugin, and the cvxopt convex optimisation library, all pretty dry sounding, OK, so what does it do? Well take a smallish fairly manoeuvrable craft, steer around a bit wildly (near the landing) spot, activate the soft-landing algorithm and it calculates a trajectory (shown visually) and thrust directions with minimum fuel use, and then auto-pilots the craft along the trajectory to land it craft anywhere you specify. Its been a lot of fun tweaking it to work reliably, it can now do some pretty dramatic recoveries.
Heres a video that explains it better.
Automated soft-landing montage video
I've a much more detailed description here plus more videos including the crashes, and the python code is available here.