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Found 3 results

  1. If u place multiple parts in Single symmetry u can Move them with the movetool to the same height because it uses some kind of Raster if snap is on. This was in the fte Port and in the pc edition, but Not in the Enhanced edition, is this intended? The Raster is very Handy and i would like to See it back.
  2. If u aim the camera to e.g a commandpod and then change the cameramode (free, orbit, locked...) the camera will get to the default Position. IT would be nice if you could Set the camera to something at it will stay there. This is in ksp ee, dont know if that is the Same as for pc
  3. Ps4 Careermode Yesterday i lauchned a satnetwork and a ship to duna. While the transferburn the manvuevermarker in the navball changed his postion, i was in mapview of duna. Looked what happend and the maneuver was put on the line for next orbit. vid That happend again with the ship i send after, i was in mapview again but focused on the ship but zoomed out so i would see the progress. If u dont go into mapview that doesnt happen Haven't Seen that issue in the bugtracker or here yet and i dont know how to link in the bugtracker
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