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  1. So work has me here in Cambridge: the place where Isaac Newton figured out Newtonian Physics and Calculus. I am understandably excited because, while our pathway to the stars started when the first hominids started making tools, a whole lot of it was figured out here before being put into practice elsewhere. Oh yeah, the first black-hole celebrity Simpsons guest, Stephen Hawing works here too. A lot of big ideas came it of a lot of smallish, British buildings. Anyway, since I am naturally loud and and outgoing (aka boorish and obnoxious), I had to start yapping about spacecraft and calculus to random strangers at breakfast, on the street, in the hotel etc. Most of these folks have the sort of quiet reserve you would expect from people working at a world class university. I will say that I caught myself before I started asking if all the ramps in town were built specifically for Stephen Hawking. Thanks, Squad! You have me gushing at strangers in Cambridge! Without KSP I could pretend to be an adult. Also, these people are smart! Their jokes are faster and better than mine. I just have some education and a repository of facts loaded into my noggin. These guys are fast and insightful!
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