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  1. Kerbal-Powered Flight ***** RULES TWEAKS 2 Jan 16 ***** NOTE: If you can make a better patch, show me and maybe I'll adopt it. INTRODUCTION: This is a silly challenge that revolves around using the mysterious forces exerted by moving Kerbals (usually when on ladders) to move ships in KSP. Still, when used deliberately, it can (when used responsibly) result in marginally plausible Kerbal-powered vehicles on land, water, and in the air. I don't condone using this for space travel (although it's possible) so everything in this challenge must remain in the atmosphere of Kerbin. Anyway, the idea here is to have fun and be at least marginally plausible (assuming the superpowered biology of Kerbals).. GOAL: Create a flyable aircraft whose motive power comes exclusively from the motions of Kerbals, and fly it to a safe landing on Airbase Island. Or further away. The sky is literally the limit. RULES: 1. The atmosphere and heat models used must be stock 1.0.5 (or later, if this lasts that long). No FAR unless there's a huge demand for it. If FAR does become legal, entrants using it will be grouped in a separate category from stock. 2. All parts of the aircraft and all in-flight information used to control it must be pure stock. You can use various instrumentation mods to build the aircraft, you just can't fly it with them. 3. If you can get EVA Followers to work in 1.0.5, you can use it during flight (see scoring categories below)). But do make it available for others. 4. The aircaft's motive power must be derived exclusively from the movement of at least 1 Kerbal. 5. The Kerbal(s) used for motive power must remain on EVA, not in command seats or pods, for the entire dureation of the flight. 6. Passenger Kerbals may be carried, in pods and/or command chairs, but cannot be used for motive power at any point. 7. The aircraft may have electric power (for probe core, lights, SAS, etc.) provided nothing electric contributes to motive power on the ground or in the air. 8. All flights must begin at KSC (runway or launchpad) and end on the island runway. The aircraft cannot touch the ground or water at any point between. 9 Indirect routes are allowed, to score more points for distance traveled. Pre-placed flags/ships on the map may be used as markers to show distances in screenshots. For purposes of this challenge, a more or less direct run from KSC to Airbase Island is considered 30km. 10. The aircraft must rise from the ground under Kerbal power and maintain controlled, sustained flight for the duration, then make a safe landing at Airbase Island without damage to itself or harm to or loss of any of the Kerbals who were aboard when the flight started. 2 Jan 16: 10.a.: For purposes of this challenge, "flying" is defined as using aerodynamic forces on aerodynamic surfaces (wings, rotors, lifting bodies, etc.) to keep the aircraft above ground. IOW, no ballistic trajectories. A "flying" condition must be maintained for the entire duration of the flight including takeoff and landing. Thus, parachute landings are not allowed. 2 Jan 16: 10.b.: While "flying", the aircraft must be controllable via control surfaces, torque, RCS, shifting the Kerbal's weight, etc. Control must be demonstrated by a reasonably significant change of direction while "flying". IOW, you can't face the aircraft towards Airbase Island before takeoff and fly straight there without making any turns. However, taking off along the runway then turning to face Airbase Island is a sufficient definition of control. Of course, doing aerobatic maneuvers, flying under bridges, etc., also demonstrate control. 11. Successful entrants must provide proof in terms of screenshots or video for all achievements claimed. 12. At least marginal plausibility must be maintained. Thus, airplanes, helicopters, ornithopters, etc. (IOW, wings or rotors) are OK. Just putting a ladder in a cage is NOT OK. 13. All who complete the basic requirements get to wear the patch. 14. For bragging rights, flights will be ranked on a number of categories, such as hightest altitude, longest distance, highest level/climbing speed, nubmer of Kerbals carried, etc. For proof of my own success at this, see my next post in this thread. SCORING: DISTANCE TRAVELED 1. Chemp (3806km) 2. Speeding Mullet (31km) 3. Chemp (30km) 4. Geschosskopf (30km) 5. ALTITUDE (rounded to nearest 10m) 1. Chemp: (27200m) 2. Geschosskopf (3800m) 3. Speeding Mullet (1640m) 4. Chemp (830m) 5. LEVEL/CLIMBING SPEED 1. Chemp (310m/s at 20km+) 2. Geschosskopf (49.2m/s) 3. Speeding Mullet (45.7m/s) 5. KERBALS CARRIED 1. Chemp (1) and (1) 2. Geschosskopf (1) 3. Speeding Mullet (1 who nearly fell off) 4. STYLE POINTS (extra achievements beyond the minimum, to be ranked by peer review) * Chemp (non-stop circumnavigation plus detours and backtracking) * Speeding Mullet: Kerbal fell off ladder and made safe landing clinging to tailplanes * Chemp: Kerbal doing entire flight feet-first. * Chemp circumnavigated Kerbin (doesn't count for this challenge but still way cool)
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