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  1. Hi! I had some minor thoughts about launch escape systems, epecially about some detailed differences in their 'modes', in respect to the 'RealismOverhaul' mod-suite, which I have came quite fond of (Thanks to the many awesome people involved!). They might not find really much use, but some use them... Someone said something like 'It's fun to consider fail situations and countering them with gadgets, even if it costs a lot in every aspect." I humbly agree So we currently can just hit the backspace key and stuff gets triggered, afaik. That usually fully suffices. But we all have our specialists, that really want to have Kerpollo-Style A-1 to X-99 abort modes, depending on the current situation, determined by a relative small set of available parameters/values, like velocity, altitude, AoA, Q, Isp, TWR, etc, pp... And depending on those, different sets of actors could be triggered. I thought one could make a small part, like any of the SmartParts surface-attachables, serving as the receiver for the abort command in the action group system. This part could contain a UI, where one could create several modes, each containing the value-ranges, freely selectible, including boolean operands or ranges/windows. Take a look at the nice InfernalRobotics UI, something in the general direction of that. And for the sake of recycling, this could tie into ActionGroupsExtended, where the abort-action-group-input would be just relinquished by the SmartPart to several different abort-output-action-groups, one for each mode. I'm not entirely sure how the whole system on the Apollo-conecans worked, if the mode was selected automatically, or if someone had to turn a dial or other instrument during the whole ascent process until LEO and ready for TLI. A manual version could be another addition, especially if wanting to integrate some sort of tech-progression (RP-0?) The manual mode could work by either simply making multiple extended action groups and manually selecting them, which would make this mod unecessary, of course. Or by triggering the abort-part, which then 'switches' the 1-0 action group keys to a different 'set' of extended action groups, if possible. (If not already and me just beeig ignorant^^) Would be like hitting backspace, then a number for the mode, and swoosh... or just sudden silence followed by high levels of activity on the navball I'm not requesting it, merely checking out, if there'd be any sort of interest at all, to have such a thing and enough people wanting it and modders considering to code it. If there is, consider it requeted ;P
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