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Found 2 results

  1. The challenge is simple. launch a rocket, land it on the VAB without exploding it, then land on the moon and get back. Land as close to the Launchpad as possible and upload a pic with the distance. (you can use launch clamps to know your distance). if you do it with mods I will put you on a different leaderboard. Good luck and have fun. upload the screenshots of the landing on VAB, the moon the final landing, and your distance from the launch pad. I will update the leaderboard from time to time. Have fun! Leaderboard 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Modded leaderboard 1.cairio jack with 2 days 6 hours. Mods used: Kerbal Engineer redux 2.EkoHallen with 3 days. Mods: KER, kspi extended 3. 4. 5.
  2. Feature suggestion: I think it would be a good idea to introduce some sort of online competition with leaderboards for specific challenges. For example: - Take off from Kerbin, get a surface sample from the Mün and get it back to Kerbin with the lowest amount of fuel (fuel in vehicle at launch), or the fastest time, or the cheapest rocket,... - Fly to Gilly and bring back surface samples from all three biomes with the lowest amount of fuel, fastest time, or cheapest rocket - Fly to Eelo, pass at less than 100 km and come back to Kerbin (fastest, cheapest,...) This would lead to lots of competition and possibly new discoveries on how to fly most efficiently. Instead of just taking "enough" fuel, you'd really try to minimize the budget as much as possible and get there and back on vapours, using lots of gravity assists etc. You would need some kind of verification, for example a recording, to catch cheaters. Whenever someone breaks a record, the recording would be sent as well.
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