I have been trying to land on Duna (KSP's Mars) for a very long time, and when i say very long i mean very long. I have even set up a fully fledged base on the mun, and explored all of kerbin. I'm in career, so i cant really make a very expensive ship. My VAB is almost finished upgrading, as well as my launch pad, so no need to worry about how many parts i use. I have really been trying this for almost a year now, so some help would be appreciated. I have almost landed on duna before, but i broke up in the atmosphere and now there are about 10 pieces of debris on the planet. I would also like to safely return my kerbal, or drone, depending on if i would like to send a manned mission yet or not. I have been trying to do everything NASA style, as my space program name is IKSP, or International Kerbin Space Program.