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Found 2 results

  1. Lightest Kerbin Tour! MINI CHALLENGE Originally @luke5521's idea! ============================================= GOAL: To create the lightest rocket capable of landing Kerbin's moons, Mün and Minmus, and return back alive in 1 luanch. RULES: - All entries must specify vessel weight and parts (engines and tampered fuel levels). - Entries must be submitted with a capable representation of pictures, or video, showing each stage separation, activation, landing, and maneuver burn (if there are too many burns, like over 15, than not all need to be illustrated, but mentioned with required delta-v). - All entries must weight under 12.5 tons and be STOCK to qualify. Entries will be ordered in manned and unmanned. please only ferry one kerbal. - Permitted Mods: Kerbal Engineer Redux MecJeb (Read-out only) Visual mods UbioZur Welding Of course, prohibited mods may be installed, but must not be used. Resizing parts is not allowed. - Kraken drives or any glitch-based-advanteges are prohibited. - Please name your entry. I do not want to give you my default name for your entry. Leave comments if you think the rules need to be changed ============================================= Entry vessels will be graded upon their weight Plan carefully engineers Top 5 Manned entries Top 5 Unmanned entries
  2. I've been inactive for some time now, so I decided to showcase my latest creation: Jeremiah (Go see what it is!) Highlights: This SSTO should be so easy to fly that you wouldn't need a manual, but here it is anyway: - Full thrust down the runway. Pull up at 70m/s (Toggle Engine - 1Key) - Keep steady 15-17.5 Degree angle. - At 25 000m, aim at 12.5 degree angle and activate rocket-mode (Rocket Mode- 2 key) - Burn until Apoapsis is at 95 000m - From there, conduct circularization burn. If there is anything else you wish, please leave a comment. Edit: IF YOU ARE USING COMMNET, than please add an antenna of your prefrence Craft File: https://mega.nz/#!WtowAYaK!yhxKrvVN5yUiZxYMBXchMQIQQuBB3gr6zIcU36a8xeQ
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