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Found 2 results

  1. I have a target craft orbiting Kerbin East to West (rather than the usual West to East) and need to get another ship up to it. When I use the 'launch to target plane' function, then engage the autopilot, the game warps to the launch time, the engines activate and the throttle goes to 100%, but the vehicle doesn't leave the pad - no flames, no noise, nothing. It just sits there. MJ2 shows that it's 'launching to target plane' but nothing is happening. MJ2 works properly for the other launch options. Is this a bug? Or is there something about using this option that's different from the others? <later> Disregard ... the problem is that there's no probe control.
  2. I just built a small 'skiff' - not much more than a MK2 cockpit and long adapter with engine to get around the K/M/M system. It flew just fine, but after refueling at Minmus, when I activated MJ2 to execute a node, once it lined up on the target marker, it started to 'shudder' ... not enough to leave the target, but there's constant input to the roll/yaw axis' back and forth. Visually, it looks like a chihuahua that's not been let out in too long. There's just the one tank (the long adapter), so the CoM, and CoT shouldn't have changed. I have autostruts enabled (heaviest part) but like I said, that was how I built it and it launched and travelled out to Minmus, docked and rendezvoused with a couple of different ships, before re-fueling, and it flew perfectly normally. And when I line it up manually on the target and execute, there's no shuddering involved. So it definitely seems to have something to do with MJ2. Anyone else see this, or have an idea of what might be the cause/fix?
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