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  1. I've long been interested in the concept of the NSWR (Nuclear Saltwater Rocket), and their high thrust with high efficiency, what would be called a torch-drive in sci-fi. However, I haven't been able to find their theoretical maximum performance. Sure, I know that in https://path-2.narod.ru/design/base_e/nswr.pdf , they conceptualize a NSWR that can go interstellar, having an Isp of approx. 480,000 seconds. But they limit the rocket with using 90% enriched uranium. Furthermore, there may be fissionable isotopes of different elements that release more energy than U233, that could be used. So I must ask, what would be the theoretical maximum Isp that a NSWR could achieve?
  2. RULES: The weapon must be useable. The weapon must be stupid. HAVE FUN! GLORY TO THE KRAKEN! EXAMPLES: (name of it) (description) Me first Stellaris Kamikaze For Kerbals brave enough to drive a 90 billion ton nuke into the heart of the enemy fleet.
  3. I thought of a great concept for a mod, but realized everything i had to do to make it and realized "Damn, this takes too much work", and need a lil' bit of help with making it a reality. My Idea is to make a fuel tank that can hold more than its share of fuel. "One day, While Daquan Kerman was working on his new Experimental Engine, The Black Hole Drive, accidentally failed miserably, instead making a fuel tank. He soon realized that this fuel tank was holding way more fuel than should be possible. He took this new tank, and hoping that it would return the fuel put into it, Succeeded in creating the BH001 Black Hole Tank. Unfortunately, Due to its shape, it happens to be an aerodynamic nightmare. The other difficulty's with the tank, it retains all of its mass, and requires power to keep its fuel accessible. he soon realize it would work well for Planetary bases and refueling stations, and began marketing immediately." Its About 3.5 meters wide, and in the shape of a D20, and requires 20 EC/s. I think it should, at max hold about 10,000 fuel (LF with the correct proportion of Oxidizer). I want it to retain its mass so people don't launch it as a main engine and give it a base mass of 15-20 Tons. I also want to make one for ore. BTW I really like my stories (the Part Desc.) and would like to keep them if at all possible. The other two stories follow "After have made more than a usable amount of money off the BH001 Drive, his assistant questioned why Daquan had put the 001 after BH. Daquan also wondering this, headed out to the back of his office to the original BH Tank, Decided to throw a rock into it and see what happened. Surprisingly, it went in. Daquan, borrowing a truck from one of his employees, decided to see how much would fit, and again found it held way more than an object its size should. He quickly patented the BH002 Ore Tank, bought that employee 3 brand new trucks, and began selling again." I think the LF/O tank should be a 550 science, and the Ore a 1000. comment if your either interested in coding, or just want to see this come into existence.
  4. The Xenon thrusters in the game are pretty weak, you'd think that someone could've/would've/should've figured this out. I do understand that they are still pretty weak and are supposed to be, i just want one with better trust
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