Hi, i don't know if it is already posted somewhere but i have problems when i resize some parts (like rockomax brand adapter and other parts that can have fuel in it) making them smaller (havent try bigger) and adding then fuel (I have Real Fuel installed, but only use stock fuel and possibly lithium).
In that case, the physics get broken as that parts seem stuck in the Launch Plattform, When engines start, some "invisible hand" seems to hold the rocket from the resized parts, making impossible to fly.
Some times even resizing a nose cone (not adding fuel i think) to make it smaller will have the same result.
Im running KSP1.1.3
I think the mods involved are Tweakscale and Modular Fuel Tanks/Real Fuel tanks (happens with both -I only install one at a time-)
I love the idea of being able to fill some adapters with fuel, but i don't know if there is a compatibility issue or whatever.
Using Insterestellar Fuel switch removes the problem of resizing, but then i can't fill adapters with fuel.
So what i really want is that: To be able to resize parts and work fine with them, adding fuel to them in case i need it.