Earlier today, I decided to update my game to 1.3, because two of my favourite mods, BDB and Tantares, were updated exponentially, and I couldn't just sit there and gawk at the beautiful new parts without eventually deciding to go and update to the current KSP version.
So, here's my question:
What are the essential mods you need to update to have 1.3 work without crashing on startup?
I already have modulemanager, Firespitter, BDB, Tantares, KER, and Cryogenic Engines updated to 1.3, but my game still crashes while loading. (Just so you know, I have a heavily bloated install of mods)
I do have Ven's Stock Revamp installed, but there's no updated version for 1.3, and, even if I did, last time I updated it it broke all my crafts, so, I'm kind of trying to avoid that...
Nevermind, I've found the problem after a long and drawn-out process of elimination; It was an out of date Waypoint Manager.