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  1. My first forray into the world of plugins is this pack of 15 contracts. Players will be rewarded for traveling to the most extreme elevations (both high and low) of the various bodies in the Kerbol system and planting flags. The contracts for celestial bodies with unique, non-sea-bed base elevations (Eve, Kerbin, Minmus, Laythe, and Tylo) only require the player to summit the body's highest mountain. *** Please note: As this is my first attempt at writing a plugin, I expect there to be hiccups here and there. I encourage reporting of those issues here, and will do my best to address them. Credit: Coordinates of maximum and minimum elevations obtained from kerbalmaps.com (temporarily located here) Installation Changes/Updates Known Issues Pack distributed under the MIT License.
  2. Seeing all of the new terrain on the new planets in Kerbal 2 has got me thinking. As an avid hiker and professional masochist, I would love to climb/hike up them. Not only are they big but they also seem to be extremely detailed, down to every individual rock. It would be a shame if the devs didn’t add an intuitive way for a kerbal to climb up them in the future. So here’s my idea. Gear Assuming that there’s an inventory system like Kerbal 1 or various mods, you would be able to equip a pack that has all the necessary gear you would need to climb any mountain in the kerbal universe. This would include: Rope 2 ice axes Crampons Tent/Temporary shelter Gameplay The ice axes and crampons are self explanatory. Ropes main use would be to secure your kerbal to said mountain, just in case you slip or accidentally press space. Every 10 meters or so you would place a hook to attach a rope to (this would also delete you previous hook just to make things less complicated). You would also be able to attach a rope to another kerbal for rescue missions & multiplayer. If kerbal 1 falls and kerbal 2 isn’t secured, this would cause kerbal 1 to pull kerbal 2 off the mountain and both of them would perish. As a bonus, it would be cool if there was a winch part for rovers. A kerbal would pull the hook attached to the winch and place it on anything they desire. This would be good for pulling rovers up steep slopes and pulling broken vehicles to a different location. The tent would be used for if you wanted to do something else or to resupply a Kerbal’s oxygen (if thats a thing). Conclusion Not only would a feature like this aid in exploration, but it would also open up new possibilities in science. Imagine if there was some special rock or land feature on a planet, but it’s on a mountain at a 70 degree slope. You could climb up there using a kerbal/rover.
  3. I'm despratly looking for locations to get highlands and mountains splased down science. In earlier versions you could get those in many locations but now I'm unable to find any at all. Been traveling kerbin for ages now without success :S Anybody got some koordinates? Edit: It's solved, @Geolu_Henge 's solution stil is correct for 1.3.1.
  4. After some searching, I realized there was no repository of Kerbin's highest peaks. Lots of people have summited the highest peak at 6764m, but I wanted to find them all. Here is my list: A listing of the ten 6000m peaks of Kerbin Rank Height (m) Latitude (DMS) Longitude (DMS) 1 6767 61 35 54 46 20 17 2 6566 -74 23 43 -17 31 47 3 6433 -14 26 44 71 57 24 4 6432 -6 35 54 113 37 21 5 6143 -13 49 48 71 17 37 6 6142 -30 09 19 -13 27 20 7 6119 46 04 45 139 32 01 8 6067 -68 33 12 -27 13 12 9 6041 -17 12 15 73 38 30 10 6009 42 33 10 135 50 45 Please note that negative latitudes are in the southern hemisphere, negative longitudes are in the western hemisphere. I acquired the locations by pinpointing high points on a hyper-res map of kerbin, then flew to the location, landed near the summit, and placed a flag on the summit. For some reason the height of the peak varies slightly from load to load, so each value is +/- 3 meters, which means that 3 & 4 are a tie, as are 5 & 6. Screenshots If I have missed any, please put them in the comments below, complete with location information. Insofar as I am aware, this is all the 6000m peaks of Kerbin
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