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Found 2 results

  1. China, Ukraine and Antonov have agreed on reviving An-225 and opening a production line in China. This is great news in many ways for everyone! As more planes are being produced on established production line cost by unit should go down, and as more planes are being built replacement parts should become more affordable and hence aircraft can be stressed more with heavier payloads and generally more demanding flying should become possible. I'd bet we'll see someone enter the launch market with affordable, 225 mounted launch system in few years. Maybe we'll see MAKS or similar project revived/developed as suitable carrier aircraft become more numerous and presumably widespread. https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/an-225-revival-proposed-in-new-antonov-china-pact-428949/ http://www.janes.com/article/63341/china-and-ukraine-agree-to-restart-an-225-production http://www.rusaviainsider.com/antonov-agrees-on-an-225-assembly-in-china/
  2. Hi I have tried to make a mod for ksp that adds in the An-225 'Mriya' but I am currently having issues in making it work so if any one is willing to help i can email you all the folder and files made during the process. (so far the only part i have made is the fuselage) and to see the image you will have to right click and select view image in new tab
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