Hello, I have an MSI PE60 6QE. It has a light on the power button that shows if it is using the onboard (orange) or discreet(blue) gpu. When I play any games the light is blue, except ksp. I've gone into Nvidia panel and set ksp to force discreet gpu and still no blue light. In fact, I've set the discreet gpu to run all visuals so the blue light is on at idle but when I start ksp it turns orange! While playing ksp the laptop gets very hot in the middle of the keyboard instead of near the touchpad as it does when playing games(gtav) that use discreet(blue light) gpu, further telling me it isn't using the correct gpu. Does any of this make sense? Does anyone else play with an MSI Laptop? Can I force it to use the good gpu any other way? Gpu? Thanks for reading, fly safe!