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  1. PROJECT: MISSION TO MOON Mission: To develop uncommon practice of launching spacecraft into orbit, with using little to no fuel of spacecraft. Spacecraft must be capable of delivering large payloads over a distance of 800,000 Kilometers/500,000 miles. Spacecraft must be re-usable. Spacecraft must be able to carry crew of 3 or more. We want to create a simulation of real-Life scenario of our solar system. We need to create our solar system in a virtual KSP world, create spacecraft parts similar to those we have available today. Our goal is to come up with a system and craft which can reach the planet Moon and return simply and safely with either a large payload or a bus of civilians. We have a general idea of structures that need to be assembled, unfortunately there are currently no KSP mods that can fulfill our building needs. So we are looking to the modding community to help us out. Anyone with modding experience and/or physics enthusiasts, please reply to this thread. Thanks, Ryan Van
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