I'm away on business for a couple of weeks so I can't test this out on my PC but I've been thinking of a mission outline that relies on proper usage of Commnet.
Let's say I have:
a rover on Ike with a Communotron 16 (Ike surface facing away from Duna, but in LoS of Ike relay),
a 2 satellite highly elliptical relay with HG-5 around Ike (no LoS to Kerbin but LoS to Duna relay) , and
a 3 satellite equatorial relay with RA-15 or RA-100 around Duna (LoS to Ike relay and Kerbin)
Does the default Commnet allow the rover on Ike to be controlled on the surface, with the signal bouncing from Kerbin-->Duna relay-->Ike relay-->Ike rover? Or do I need to have a relay in Ike orbit capable of reaching Kerbin?
Here's what I quickly threw together to illustrate my question:
On a side note, would Remotetech allow this connection (signal from point A to B to C and then finally to D, or even further to E), given the appropriate omni and dish antennae?