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  1. Like in real-life, it's about time to establish a permanent base on the Mun. The Blacksburg Aeronautics and Space Administration has decided to take on this task, and it is hosting a competition for ideas to accomplish it. SLPB (SINGLE-LAUNCH PERMANENT BASE) CHALLENGE As the name implies, you must get a base to the Mun in a single launch. To complete the challenge, your base must meet the following criteria: DO IT ALL IN ONE LAUNCH, DUH!!!! Stock Parts ONLY - NO MODS MechJeb's okay, as it's only a remote guidance mod. WorldStabilizer's also okay. Just no mods that come with additional base parts. Must hold ten or more Kerbalnauts. Must be able to generate its own power (e.g. solar panels/radioisotope generators) Don't forget batteries. You're gonna need them. Must have at least one antenna Relay preferable, but I'm also okay with direct Must have a probe core so you can work it while unoccupied. Must have science lab with instruments (you can't activate the "science farm" without data) Two-man lab will count when checking crew capacity for Rule 3 Must be able to penetrate the surface (e.g. need drill/s) and mine and convert ore (need converter/s) - which also means you need radiators/thermal control systems to cool them down. Be sure you land in a spot with a good ore concentration Don't forget the fuel and monoprop tanks +500 fuel capacity +500 oxidizer capacity +500 monoprop capacity You can't convert anything without ore tanks Must be stationary. I've seen WAY too many mobile bases on YouTube, and it's about time we have a "house to come back to" on the moon. Which means you'll have to pick your landing spot wisely. Besides, this will simulate the permanent bases we'll be getting in real life. Must have enough lights to be seen in the dark from a distance (at least in an incoming rover). HokieFarm Insurance won't compensate any losses suffered due to damage if our base is not designed to be seen in the dark. Additionally, we may be held liable for any accidents that happen if a rover crashes into it. Example: one night Jebediah crashed his rover into a base in the mountains. He was not held responsible for damages (despite him speeding), as his vehicle's lights were on but the base was practically invisible in the dark Your base must have docking capabilities with either: A docking port An open space for a claw to grab on to. Must be stable. Our insurance also won't cover losses due to damage if the base can easily tip over (except if the planet's acting glitchy/buggy/bouncy, like Minmus). We are also liable for motions sickness-related incidents if the base is not stable by design (upside-down, easily wobbles (assuming no game bugs)). Must have a plan to remove debris upon landing that does NOT involve hitting self-destruct in the tracking station. Must have a means of egress (getting out). Here's a screenshot of my base on the Mun to get you all started. Have fun, everybody. LET'S SEE WHAT YOU ALL GOT!
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