So, I have this small problem of what theme I should use for my rockets?
My themes of the last game:
Manned: Aztec gods (not a good idea, quite long names like Quetzalcoatl or Huitzilopotchli)
Unmanned: Lakes
Relay System: Indian tribe names
Exploration: Officers of World War 2
Testing: Gemstones
Any ideas for my new vessels?
New Naming scheme:
Manned: Greek gods (Gaia: mother of all flights, Artemis: God of the moon)
Unmanned: officers of ww2 (Nimitz, Eisenhower you name it)
Relay systems: Capital cities (Ottawa, Bogata etc)
Exploration: Famous writer (Verne cant wait to go to Jool with it!, Tolstoy etc)
Test vechiles: Disasters (Hindenburg, titanic etc)
Refueling Station: Germanic Gods (Odin, Frea etc)
Space Station: Norse gods (Loki, Thor etc)
Planes: Bird of prey (eagle, condor etc)
Tourism: Names of 'our' planets (Mercucry, Neptune, Mars etc)