So I heard earlier this year that my great-grandfather was in the Royal Navy, from the stories I can presume he was quite high-ranking. Here are the stories that my grandfather told me about him.
1. Lucky Escape:
He was offered a promotion to a very high rank, but refused because it would mean him being moved to another ship, and he wanted to stay with his friends. A week or so later the ship he WOULD have been transferred to sank, and all the crew along with it.
2. Captain Pingu
So at some point, a penguin got on the ship and hung around, the crew was okay with it and kept it as a pet. They fed it and I think they might have dressed it up in uniform. Eventually, though, he was ordered to get rid of the penguin because the admiral was coming to inspect the ship, so he threw the penguin overboard.
3. Bismarck Battle
So in the big battle between the Royal Navy and Germany, the Bismarck was sunk. My great-grandfather was on one of the battleships that sank the ship.