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  1. It has been mentioned in other threads that a self sustaining Venus base could be established in the upper venesian atmophere, mining the CO2 and acids from the atmosphere to chemcally assemble organic materials. This thread is for looking into exactly how that could be made to happen, preferably by an automated (or at least teleoperated from high orbit) probe. Lets keep all the mars discussion in the correct thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129619-venus-vs-mars-colonization/ And not littering this one. No discussion of politics or scientific justification for such a base. Just focus on the basic requirements of our hypothetical probe, and how it can be filled. Our hypothetical probe needs, what? A thermal protection system for the initial entry, a buoyant lift bag capable of supporting the payload, enough gas to inflate said lift bag. Then some kind of chemical labratory, capable of breaking down atmospheric compounds and assembling new compounds to demand. A means of assembling these new material into useful objects like more lift baloons. And a way of maintaining itself over the long term. I'd prefer not to see "finished colonies" that assume human workers for maintanace- can we design an automated venus base that can grow faster than it breaks down? And can we get it to mass less than 100 Tons, based on the theoreticcal numbers for SpaceX's planned MCT superlift rocket?
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