Hello everybody. I have a excessively hard challenge for you: make a plane with no nosecone, two side-intakes, two canards, and one engine. Fuselage and landing gear are unlimited. The only lifting surfaces that are allowed are two canards. The only intakes allowed are the two side-intakes. You must fly all the way to the old KSC (the KSC on the tiny island with the tiny dirt WW2 runway ) and land there. For extra credit, take off again and fly all the way back to the new KSC (the default KSC). Please post a video or image of you doing the challenge. If you upload the video to YouTube, please put:
Challenge by GGKSPMC (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtLy17F1L83z3oqtcGWML4g) forum thread at (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/134807-no-nosecone-2-intakes-on-sides-two-canards-and-one-thruster-make-it-fly/)
Badge for badgers: