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  1. The Ground-Based Interceptor is an anti-ballistic missile operated by the US military, and based off the air-launched Pegasus Launcher. The Ground-Based Interceptor, however, is a ground launched rocket- thus, it has much less payload capacity; on the other hand, it is much more mass-produced, and available on-demand. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground-Based_Interceptor DARPA also pursued a ALASA rocket, which would carry 45kg optical recon sats to LEO via air-launch on existing fighter aircraft. The project was intended to launch them on-demand when required. It was cancelled when the propellant was shown to be too energetic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airborne_Launch_Assist_Space_Access To replace this, I propose using the Ground-based Interceptor to launch these satellites- with a HAPS upper stage from the Pegasus rocket, it can achieve polar orbits of 20-45 kg satellites. Launched from Fort Greely, Alaska (where the interceptor is deployed), it would launch into high-inclination or polar orbits- other inclinations may use a offshore pad (like Sea Launch- hell, they might be able to buy the offshore pad from them now that Zenit is almost certainly dead). Retrograde orbits are also limited, as the military will have to use a smaller 20kg optical satellite instead of the 45 kg version proposed for ALASA- or launch in a unstable low orbit (this may not be an issue, due to retrograde orbits being so uncommon anyways.) This new LV would use 4 stages, 3 from the Ground Based interceptor, and the 4th "stage" a HAPS motor for the final orbital insertion (and accurate orbital adjustments) attached to the 45kg optical satellite. 1st stage: 1835.2 m/s 2nd stage: 3436.1 m/s 3rd stage: 4323.1 m/s 4th stage: 387 m/s It should also launch on-demand, due to using a missile as the boost stage, though the HAPS+ Satellite combination may make this more difficult (in theory, it would be fine, HAPS is hypergolic and can be stored for long periods of time). It would also be able to be implemented rather rapidly, and allow for dedicated cubesat flights. So is this a good idea?
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