I took about a years' haitus from KSP as I felt a bit burnt out and not able to make awesome stuff. I also had a RL career switch to tend to at the time. Things got serious and what do you know, I felt out of place in life and everywhere else eventually. Also looks of shock from friends as I went from typical office drone to commenting in an arcane fashion on electronic medical records and sharing interesting tales from the operating rooms..
But anyway, I got in the mood for some KSP and Oh My God 1.2 already. When I left it was 1.0.4 and I'm pretty sure I will have to go mod shopping already. Feel free to school a returning newbie on what changed and what magically appeared from the magical forges of Squad - while some things like Z, T and space are the same, it looks like the UI has had a revamp making it look that much more modern.
And clouds. I need a nice cloud pack that doesn't destroy the framerate.
Once I have a couple hundred hours in I'll start posting/sharing creative craft again and posting them on youtube, hopefully!