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Ever since the first Kerbals colonized other planets, pirates have been lurking in space. Their goal being to hijack ships, kidnap kerbals and pillage stations, all in the name of those sweet, sweet roots. The first recorded case of space piracy took place on Year 232 Day 285; The Kappa XI was headed to back to Kerbin carrying a cargo of fuel produced on Minmus when it was latched onto by the lone pilot Kerdas Kerman with his modified Fleet III. He then boarded the Kappa XI, flung it's pilot, Lenfred Kerman, out of the ship before using the Fleet III to drag the Kappa XI to places unknown. Regarding Lenfred's wellbeing, he was rescued by a passing Zaphod VII at incredible odds, he died four years later when he prematurely ate all the snacks on a 3-kerbal trip to Duna. After the so-called "Kerdas Kerman's Kerbal Kapture" (K4) incident, a wave of space piracy began in the Kerbin system, during which approximately 22.3 TRILLION roots in fuel was stolen over a 2-year period. The wave came to a halt when the Kerbin Nations started using their brand new newfangled-long-range-picker-upper-thingamajigr (NLRPUT) to see all ships in the Kerbin system. Piracy was virtually shut down within 33 days. By far the most famous incident of Space Piracy took place on Year 249 Day 156; Sherlorf "Greenbeard" Kerman and his crew of six, who went by the one name "Sherlies" attacked the King Karles Kerman II Megafreighter while it was in a parking orbit around Mun. Sherlorf and his crew borded the Karles, forced it's crew of twelve into their ship (which was only supposed to fit four) and took off with the Karles. They were so swift about this that the Super-Kwik-Response-Team were way too late to the scene of the crime, and Greenbeard and the Sherlies kept pirating for the next eight years until them and their ship were destroyed in a 5-day standoff around Ike. After the Karles incident, the Kerbin Nations put down laws sentencing every convicted pirate to death, and greatly strengthened their anti-pirate protocols. Pirating went quiet for a while, Kerbals were too scared to commit piracy, and those who did start a Pirate gang were quickly shut down, rounded up, and shot into deep space in an execution capsule. During this time 1/4 of the Kerbin Nation's anti-piracy unit was working solely on catching Greenbeard and his gang. At the turn of Year 300, the New Century Pirates were founded, planning to build a huge network of pirates and become an unstoppable pirate force. By year 301, the NCP had over 1500 gangs of pirates working in affiliation with them, which broke down into 60,000 individual Kerbals. They became known after their first - and huge - act of piracy; kidnapping King Karles IV. The kidnapping of King Karles IV was a very well-planned conspiracy. On year 301, day 345, King Karles IV was launched into space on the Karles IV Luxury Liner bound for Duna, he was to formally open the first permanent Duna colony; Kolumbus City. 3 days later, a combined unit of 5 NCP gangs took over the freshly launched Kuzz D, which was bound for Eve. They flew the Kuzz to Minmus, where a NCP-built refuelling station packed them with enough Delta-V to land on Ike. By day 367 the Kuzz had landed on Ike, and established communications with a 30-kerbal NCP tank unit stationed 80km northwest of Kolumbus, where they figured out the exact date and time Karles would descend to the city. 5 days later, Karles landed in Kolumbus, and the Kuzz had refuelled from a travelling refiner, and the NCP tank unit began rolling toward the city. Kuzz docked with the NCP Greenbeard I, the biggest ship under NCP control. The Greenbeard dropped it's three bombers down who flung carnage onto Kolumbus and destroyed all means of escape for Karles, the tank unit destroyed all militants and captured Karles, bought him to the now landed Kuzz D which brung the king up to Greenbeard, before doing a few back and forth landings to collect the tank crew. The Greenbeard set off to Jool where it eventually was given 40 trillion roots for Karles back, but not before NCP had blinded him. (I got the idea for this in school today, and thought I'd write it up. Thoughts?)