I just got the Making History expansion and booted up a game. I was excited and tried to launch my first vessel in a Science Mode game. It immediately crashed and didn't even leave a report. I confirmed that this happens only when I try to launch vessels, as I can exit the VAB and SPH as well as the game itself without issue. It's only when I try to launch a vessel do things begin to get tricky. It freezes on the loading screen, makes some sort of computer noise (I have long forgotten what noises mean what, but it sounds suspiciously like the ding that plays whenever my computer attempts to stop and give me a "Are you sure you wish to run this program" message. On a side note, It is telling me that I can't delete saves I've made. It gives me a message saying that the save is "imcompatable" but allows it to disappear from the resume game screen anyways. They are still there in the folder (as I have it on my desktop) and I have to delete them manually. I think I have a corrupted version of KSP. Please help!