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>>>Pack ONE!<<< Pixelated Back Shades, Isaac Kerman Helmet, Full Glass Helmet, Potato Chips, Alcoholic Drink, Eye Protector, Mask Type A, Joint, Beret, Baguette, Bong, Bowtie, Rifle, Assault Rifle, Personality Core, Poncho, Mate Cup, Cheese, Eye protector, light-bulb, Sandwich, Soda Can. >>>Pack TWO!<<< 3DGlasses, 2001Helmet, Antenitas de Vinil, Black Shades, Crowbar, Dave Kerman Helmet, Hair Mohawk, Headphones1, Iron Kerman Helmet, Lago Space Helmet, Mask Type B, Mood, Mustache Prop, Smart Galaxy Phone, Sombrero, Space Janitor Helmet, Storm Trooper Helmet, Viking helmet, Walkmin, XmasHat. >>Viking Pack!<< Viking sword, Viking helmet, Viking shield, Leather vest, Horn >>>Pack TRES (alpha)<<< Blaster, Combat pilot helmet, Dark Vader helmet, Guitar, Horn, Leather vest, Light Saber, Scifi CokeMan helmet, Scifi Hussar helmet, Robotic arm, Viking shield, Viking Sword, and more to come. Is not my intention to promote the use of alcoholic beverages, use of drugs, or any brand in particular. I made this for fun, and especially for those people that want to do MLG PRO Montage Parodies. All the parts are working with >>>Kerbal Iinventory System<<< People helping with this mod. nli2work -made a very high quality helmet (Space Janitor/Planetes) Space Scumbag - Heavy user of this parts. Thanks to promote Pro Props!. Checkout his channel --- Space Janitor Helmet (Planetes helmet.) Made by nli2work --- Guitar Combat Pilot Helmet Is a modified model from a guy called erik90mx in And the textures are from around internet. scifi_cokeMan Based on this Viking Sword Leather Vest Horn Viking Shield ! scifi_hussar Based on this TowelHolder (RobotArm) Dark Vader Helmet (Darth Vader) Light Saber Blaster (storm trooper blaster) ------------------------------- If you want to use the models for something else, you are totally allowed. Just credit me somewhere, in the files, or post of your mod (If you want to use the potato chips in a life support mod, please do.) If you want to collaborate, using models, or helping me with the config files, or texture variants, I am open to it. --- Log of the last work done: