So one thing in the game that I use ALOT is action groups. First of all I would like All keys to be in it. This means that I could klik a button and it will both pitch up and yaw left. I can also add something to the roll or yaw group to steer wheels. I would also like rover wheels to be able to be controlled with action groups.
My next suggestion is a Lego robotics type programming interface for action groups and only available in the vab and with someone who has a level 3 vab and level 3 mission control and a tech node that gives a part called "action group control unit". Exploding the part means all action group programs cannot run. For how the programming would work this is what I came up with
start=> wait until rocket reaches 10000m=> turn 20degreez left=>stop program
or something like
start=> loop until X key is clicked[set throttle to 100%=> wait until plane reaches 600m/s=> set throttle to 20%=> wait until plane reaches 550m/s]
start=>wait 20 seconds=>if decoupler X has decoupled end program=> if not decouple it
what do you think? This would allow you to make your own autopilot so this is not taking away?