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  1. Tornado 7 Yes, my signature craft is back, better than ever before. It's sleeker, faster, and more maneuverable, tough not by much. The design is still very much based on the original Tornado-5, witch as some of you may remember, was the first craft i ever showcased on the forums. The base design for this was made during the 1.3 prerelease, as i like to either majorly update or build a new custom Tornado craft every time there's a major update. And keeping with that spirit, i made a very special upgrade to the Tornado 7 once 1.3.1 came along. The original design of the Tornado 7 included more traditional bi-plane style wings instead of the half x-wing style ones. But after including them in an alternate version, i just liked them so much more that i decided to use those instead. And that's why there are no ejector seats in the thing, as if built by the original plans, they would have broken some necks. And i kinda got why all the Tornado crafts in the Sonic series (minus the Tornado 1) have had the upper wings in cockpit level when i tried to get some nice screenshots of the craft with it's original wing design. It kinda hides the pilot a little. So, what is this special upgrade your talking about, well, it's not really an upgrade, as much as it is an alternative version of the craft. Say hello to Miles Kerman himself. He was created using a whole bunch of tweakscaled stock parts that where later on painted with DCK. It was pretty much inevitable that i would create something like this at some point, well, i actually did do it before. And incase your wondering about size, when standing he is pretty much exactly 1m tall (20cm taller than in the games) or pretty much exactly as tall as the Kerbals. Another special thing i made, is a new paint job. I was originally supposed to make the red version, similar to the painted Tornado 6, but i taught that the ship bottom red just wasn't bright red enough, so i went for the blue scheme instead. I had to put quite a few extra parts in to make the paint job as complete as possible. For example, tripled main wings, extra bits on the lower fuselage, a new "propeller spinner", and so on. And then there is ofcource Miles Kerman that adds to the overall part count by quite a bit. But fear not, the original version still exists. And here is a video showing what it can do. Technical specs: Tornado 7 Top speed: 156 m/s Length: 11.1m Wingspan: 12m Height: 16.9m (Kerbal loading system included) Mass: 13.148 tons parts: 154 Mods used: (basic version) Airplane plus. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2yx60c9n5w677i1/Tornado-7_5.craft?dl=0 X-Tornado Yes, the X-Tornado is back aswell. This time in its third incarnation. It too is now better than ever before, mainly in the fact that it is now easy to fly, instead of you having to fight against it to keep it under control. It also now has folding wings witch allowed me to put proper landing gears in it. The X-Tornado also provides the pilot with two "flight modes" If you want to take to the max, simply fly at full throttle, and you can do some amazing stuff with it, so long as you can keep it under control. But, if you want a pleasant fight, just put the throttle at 2/3 and you'll be able to pull up and down and any witch way as hard as you want without having to worry about losing control. You can see what im talking about on the flight demonstration video below. Technical specs: X-Tornado Top speed: 344 m/s (low altitude) over a 1000 m/s (high altitude) Length: 13.9m Wingspan: 10m Height: 5.2m Mass: 19.339tons parts: 161 Mods used: Infernal Robotics. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qa2lxj14sgzyf7s/X-Tornado.craft?dl=0 Tornado 1 As a little bonus i recreated the ye original Tornado from the golden ages of the series. Sorry, but due to the aircraft not wanting to fly other than in a straight line for some reason, this is all the info your gonna get. And there it is, the current collection of Tornado crafts. I hope you'll be able to enjoy them as much as i have .
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