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Hey there! Im working on a reuseable rocket, by using smme's as the 1st stage engines. Unfortunately they have only 1 ignition available. So I tried to change the amount of ingitions in the engine config (cfg.) but I couldnt find the word ignition in it. This is how it looks like: //New engine/cluster plugin patch @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-RS-25]:NEEDS[SSTU]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] { %RSSROConfig = True %engineType = SSME @mass = 3.526681 @crashTolerance = 12 %breakingForce = 250 %breakingTorque = 250 %maxTemp = 3588.15 @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { %minThrust = 1358.5 %maxThrust = 2278.824 %heatProduction = 100 @PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] { @name = LqdHydrogen @ratio = 0.728 } @PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] { @name = LqdOxygen @ratio = 0.272 } @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 453 @key,1 = 1 363 } } } +PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-RS-25]:NEEDS[SSTU]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] { @name = SSTU-SC-ENG-RS-25x5 @MODULE[SSTUModularEngineCluster] { @currentEngineLayoutName = Five-X !LAYOUT,*:HAS[~name[Five-X]]{} @LAYOUT[Five-X] { !MOUNT,*:HAS[~name[Mount-SLS]]{} @MOUNT[Mount-SLS] { %size = 8.4 %canAdjustSize = false } } } }