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  1. Hello all, I've kinda come up against a wall when it comes to precisely setting up a Remotetech 2 network. It's early on in Career Mode, and one of the juicy contracts is to set up a network with 4 sats, and another to Alt Map scan Kerbin (with network). I've upgraded the VAB, tracking Station and Launch pad once and I would've thought I would have access to node placement, but alas and alack, no. I've had quite a few hours put into KSP over the years, and you'd think I could successfully circularise and orbit from launch without using nodes. Nope. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. With node, I can time the burn to 1/2 the Dv burn duration either side of the burn and generally get it bang on the money. Without node placement, I'd wait for Ap. and start my burn there. I look over at my engineer and it says my Apoapsis is holding (give or take), until my Periapsis starts climbing out of negative territory. Then my Ap. starts climbing rapidly. A life spoiled by access to nodes I guess. I've done searches for this, but all search results come up with no reference to Remotetech 2 and the need to remain in contact with ground station. The RT2 contact in question requires each satellite to have an eccentricity of no more than 0.04. How do I achieve this without nodes? BTW, here's a small list of mods I'm running (don't laugh. There are some real crackers in that list I can't Kerbal without)...
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