Just brainstorming around some simple math thingy and wanted to share them.
What the probability that the "gene" (fragment sum total/partial/similar) responsible of sonar for bat and dolphin to happen in a single human
What the probability that the gene(s^?) responsible of pheromone sensistivities for dog and ants happen for a single human
What the probability that the gene(s^?) responsible of magnetic field sensistivities for cats happen for a single human
What the probability that the gene(s^?) responsible of (some specific whatever existing animal) sensitivities/"competence" happen within a single human genetic code
just curious how everyone feel about that kind of thing, possible, impossible, etc ?
may the said single/multiple sensisitivities amplitudes differ from one human to another in case it could eventually happen ?
is there a notice on e-bay ? ( ^^jk with that's last one )