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  1. Last night I was completing a couple missions (Eve 3 Course and Orbit Eve) and ended up trying for a unplanned Eve landing since the probe wasn't going to make it home anyway. So, without heat shields or wings but with a lot of spinning in every direction I somehow was able to get to the point where I was able to deploy parachutes on the half of the probe tat was left and start slowly falling toward the sea. At about 4500m I realized it'd take me a while to get down at my current rate of 3 m/s so I decided to cut some parachutes. Now, not wanting to be reckless, I did a quicksave first and after cutting I decided I was going a bit faster than I liked and loaded my quicksave. Opon it loading I heard a small puff, no longer see my ship, and my speed reading says "Surface 414413930.6 m/s". The flight results log showed I had splashed down hard and was destroyed. A bit surprising, because as I said before I had been at 4500m and falling 3 m/s when I saved. Reloading the save a couple times yielded effectively the same result each time.
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